Help, I can't find my coupon anymore! adds thousands of new coupons every day.  We manage all these offers mostly through the use of an automated system, along with manual review. During this process, we may update data on user-submitted offers, such as start/expiration dates.  We may also remove offers at our discretion for various reasons, such as:

  1. Requests from our merchant/affiliate partners.
  2. Inaccurate offer information (offer title, expiration, etc)
  3. Poor offer performance, including poor customer feedback.
  4. Regular cleaning up of store pages
    1. When a store has too many offers to display, we may remove the worst performing ones.
  5. Low quality offers or spam, or otherwise violating the terms of our site.
  6. Poor user performance
    1. Accounts with history of abuse may have all their offers removed.

Once an offer is removed, it is available to be re-submitted by yourself, or any user, if it is indeed still valid and not blocked.  If it is already submitted by another user, then it cannot be submitted again until it expires or is otherwise deleted. Users do not have a right to claim ownership of any single offer, regardless of when they originally submitted it or why it was removed from the system.  Recurring coupon codes are oftentimes submitted by various users throughout the year, and are commonly removed/expired, only to be submitted again by other users.